Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Great Blaney Street News!

For the first time in at least two years, there is currently not one single abandoned car sitting at the Blaney Street pier.

Of course, the many residents of the area who were depending on it for parking are also out of luck, but the constant abandoned cars down there were gross. Residents don't seem too pleased with the change. Check out Salem Patch's coverage of the events. They even have video. You don't usually get that from the Snooze.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Since we are not getting any logical response from our councilman or city hall (shocker!!!) we have decided to launch a parking revolution. Ok- its not as big as the one in Egypt or Wisconsin but every revolution starts off small.!

    Thought you would like to know we now have a petition

    and a facebook page
    Save the Parking Refugees of Salem!/pages/Save-the-Parking-Refugees-of-Derby-St-Salem-MA


Don't forget, keep it klassy!