Irreverently chronicling life in Salem, Massachusetts. Politics, education, and day to day living on the edge of the sea.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Meth(adone) fails in Salem
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Meth(adone) comes to Salem redux
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Council gets Klassy!
Check out the Scranton PA city council, which is famous for its city council public commentary. Go to Youtube, and search for Scranton City Council. Here is one user who has posted several examples. Here's another, check out the Ray Lyman videos especially.
I can't wait till we get our own crazy theater.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tyler Lagatta update!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Monique Gonyea update!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tierney-Hudak updates
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The ad causing the controversy.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Congressional race gets classier
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Salem News Columnist Brian Watson is klasshat of the day.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Frankenstien's (sic) Laboratory
Check out the Salem News website right now and you'll see a photo of it in one of the slide show articles near the top.
A letter from a reader.
Dear Keep It Klassy Salem,
We are having a baby in a month and hoped to get our car seat installed and/or checked by a trained professional. Many communities have such individuals working for the Fire Department. I called SFD and they said, “No, call the police department.” I called the PD and they said, “Well we used to have three guys trained to do it, but they let the certification slip and none of them wanted to be retrained.” The reason? “Well, it seems like such a simple thing, but the training is a week long and very complicated.” I said, “Well that seems to speak to the need to have trained professionals.” “Yeah, but they thought it was excessive.” He told me to try the Marblehead or Danvers Fire Departments.
Our Klassy town, Karing for the Kids!
Salem Mom-to-Be
I find this extremely disturbing. Frequently, during election season we are bombarded with messages stating that all of our taxes are necessary, "for the children." We must keep our police and firefighters, and teachers, and not let any of them go. They are all here to "protect and teach our kids." Don't cut the sales tax, the children will suffer.
What, I ask you, is more important to keeping kids safe than a properly installed car seat? What is more likely to harm a child than an improperly installed one?
The mayor, the fire chief, and the police chief should hang their heads in shame if this is how much they really care "about the children." Maybe the guys sitting in the folding chairs in front of the fire station should go take this class. You'd think if anyone would understand the devastation that can be caused by a poorly installed child seat it would be them.
Have a pressing issue you'd like to discuss? e-mail me at No, cheap viagra doesn't count!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
UPDATED: A few October observations
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tierney is simply tone deaf. Oh, and a liar.
As for your claims that you and Patrice didn't know, couldn't have known, what Robert Eremian was up to in Antigua. I say, lies, damn lies. First, your wife's guilty plea to aiding and abetting was based on her admission that she was "WILLFULLY BLIND." Blind by choice, blind in that anyone who didn't force themselves to be blind couldn't help but realize that something was wrong. It's basically saying, "I refuse to admit that I knew that this didn't pass the smell test, but clearly I did."
Second, the paper of record, the New York Times, published a story in 1998 featuring dear brother in Antigua, overseeing his sports betting business.
From the article:
But in the cozy back room of a modern house that once served as the Chinese Embassy, past the lazy dogs in the yard and the bicycles in the driveway, Bob Eremian was entertaining Americans in a different way.
It was two hours before the start of Sunday's Super Bowl game in San Diego, and Eremian, in short pants and bare feet, was sitting in front of three computer screens, overseeing a sports betting operation that would take over 10,000 bets on the game before the day was over.
"They're calling from all over the U.S. today," he said, as the 25 telephone operators seated in front of him quickly logged bets into their computers. "That's what people want to do," Eremian said. "Bet on sports."
The congressman claims that he and Patrice were unaware of this business in Antigua? He wants us to believe that this feature wasn't passed around the family? I've never been in the New York Times, but I'm pretty sure if they featured my life I'd pass it on to everyone I know. Congressman Tierney, nobody believes you.
Friday, October 8, 2010
More Klassy congressman Tierney
Our current rep must be a little scared, especially in the wake of his wife's recent legal trouble. He refused to allow his challenger to speak, shouting over him every time he tried to speak. Check it out below. It showed a true lack of class and decorum.
I have to say, the birther stuff, and the lawn signs Hudak displayed are in bad taste, but I don't question either his intelligence, or his thruthfulness, which you have to with Tierney at this point. The New York Times published comments from the brother-in-law regarding his gambling business, but now neither Tierney new he was running a gambling ring? Seriously?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Adding to the Tierney klass
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Klassy Congressman Tierney and family
Patrice Tierney, the wife of U.S. Congressman and Salem resident John F. Tierney, has agreed to plead guilty to federal tax charges stemming from her assisting her brother conceal his multi-million dollar illegal international gambling operation. She of course claims she didn't know what was going on. Lots of people just randomly deposit 7 million dollars in the bank, right? We all just come up with that in a new job, making commission.
Somewhere challenger Bill Hudak is smiling. His new slogan should be, "Wouldn't you rather have a nut than a crook?" The choice Salem voters face is the definition of klassy. This voter will take the nut over the yes man with criminals all around him. Tierney has proven over and over that the best interests of his constituents always come second to the demands of his party. Now it looks like he may be even worse.
Garrett Quinn sums this scandal up well.
UPDATE 2: Adding to the klass here, Congressman Tierney voted no on a bill that would have outlawed internet gambling in the U.S. Passage of such a bill would have clearly impacted the family business. This adds another circumstantial implication of impropriety. Notable is the fact that this was a rare instance where Tierney broke with Nancy Pelosi, as she, and many other Democrats voted yes on this bill, which passed the house with bipartisan support.
In light of what we now know, this vote looks very sketchy.
Read more: story
Salem News has the AP story.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Klassy copper thieves
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Salem's Klassy Judge Richard Mori
Leslie's (Klassy) Retreat
Well said!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monique Gonyea keeps it klassy!
1. She's an extremely, extremely prolific shoplifter who gets nabbed once in a while.
2. She's the worst shoplifter ever.
When I saw "Monique Gonyea, 28 of 286 Highland Ave" in the Salem News this week I knew I'd seen the name before. A quick search of revealed a long history of shoplifting arrests.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Now klassing up Twitter!
Monday, August 2, 2010
More Klassiness at Derby Lofts!
It could be worse, we could be in Chinatown ...
I have no words for this, other than, who tapes this, and yells "yes, yes, yes" throughout?
Also, how does the guy punching the car not break his hand? Or his head when he gets hit with the bat?
Here's another one. What is it about Chinatown?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Meth(adone) comes to Salem
As you can imagine, residents of the city, especially those in the immediate vicinity of the Canal Street location, aren't happy about this new development. We're seeing one of the best examples of NIMBY-ism around right now.
On the plus side for all of us, Polly Wilbert's head will likely explode soon. That's always fun to watch. Regina Flynn, Meg Twohey and Michael Coleman will likely follow suit. Good show! To bad we aren't putting this thing next to Derby Lofts. We haven't heard any good caterwauling from them recently.
The treatment of this story is extremely interesting. The Salem News article took the extremely inflammatory, neighbors up in arms at this terrible development, approach, while the Salem Gazette article seemed to be much more balanced, devoting some space to the motives and sense behind placing the clinic at this location.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Rockmore Update
Ain't karma a bitch!! LOL!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Rockmore Company and owner Peter Noyes
The early leader in the clubhouse for klassiest, assiest, dickhead of the year is Peter Noyes and the Rockmore Company. This super klassy individual decided that it would be a much better idea to fill Salem Harbor with HUMAN SHIT than to dispose of it properly by having it pumped out of his floating restaurant, The Rockmore, and his ferry boat, the Hannah Glover. Instead, he decided to pump the sewage from those vessels directly into the ocean, for 16 years, in violation of maritime law. Even klassier, Mr. Noyes, who lives in one of the most expensive houses on the North Shore, out at the end of Marblehead Neck, decided to intimidate the Salem News into removing the article that they wrote about an impending plea agreement, and admission of guilt. I emailed the publisher and editors the following:
To whom it may (or may not) concern:
I'm very disappointed in the Salem News today. The Rockmore Company admitting that they've polluted by dumping raw, untreated, human waste into Massachusetts coastal waters, and being accused of doing so right in Salem Harbor, is major news.
I can't believe that the story about these accusations and admission was removed from the Salem News website today. When a prominent Marbleheader is accused of wrongdoing, that is at least as newsworthy as when a miscreant like The Wind is accused of a crime, even if the Marbleheader has better lawyers. It's probably more so.
I'm very sad to learn that the Salem News is lacking in journalistic ethics and caves to threats.
What happened to "the public has a right to know?" You'd think it would apply when a company is pumping raw poop into the water within sight of my house.
The Salem News is run by pussies, and they are afraid of him, but I'm not.
Not surprisingly, the cowards didn't respond. Glad I no longer give them any money.
Well, this blog will not be intimidated. You can see the original text of the Salem News article here.
So, let's take a closer look at Peter Noyes and Rockmore. The Rockmore restaurant, which never opened this summer (hmmm ... maybe busy with lawyers) is accessed by boat only, and offers a free shuttle boat from Salem, opposite Finz.
I received the following response from the COO of the North Shore YMCA:
Currently we are in year 4 of a 5 year contract with The Rockmore Company and are investigating all of our options going forward. At this point we are not sure what we legally can do. But rest assured, a lesson will be taught and learned here.
Chris Lovasco
YMCA of the North Shore
Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Peter Noyes. Anyone can make a mistake though, right? Well, this wasn't one mistake, and it wasn't Noyes' first run in with the law. Ask people in the boating community and they'll tell you that this has been ongoing, well-known behavior, that has lasted for years.
Apparently Peter Noyes truly does believe that he's above the law. Previously, he was found guilty of both age and anti-Russian discrimination in 2007, against a former accountant he employed. The details of the case are so blatant they almost can't be believed. For the details, click here and select Vladimir Glezer vs. Rockmore Company & Peter Noyes.
Below are 5 quotes from the hearing decision awarding Mr. Glezer with over $100,000 in damages payable by Noyes.
"Noyes had a discussion with him about replacing him as Rockmore’s bookkeeper. According to Complainant, in that discussion, Noyes referred to Complainant’s age, telling Complainant that his CPA had advised him that there were “a lot of young people around” who could replace Complainant."
"Noyes began the conversation by telling Complainant that Noyes’ wife had fears about Noyes meeting Complainant because Complainant is Russian and Russians could be violent. This insult made Complainant angry and upset and he told Noyce that it was a stupid comment. He stated that it was not the only time there had been a reference to Russians being violent or in gangs during the course of his employment."
"Noyes told Complainant that he was through hiring older people and that Noyes’ wife was physically afraid of Complainant. They discussed money again and Noyes asked Complainant to sign a release promising not to sue Noyes."
"Noyes’ lawyer, who according to Complainant, has since been disbarred from the practice of law, phoned Complainant and told Complainant their conversation was being taped and if he made a move, Noyes would “hit him with all his might.” He also told Complainant that Noyes was the boss and could do whatever he wanted. In that conversation he referred to Complainant as a “fucking Russian.”"
So you tell me. Either Noyes has no regard whatsoever for the law, or he's just plain stupid. Which is it?
So what should happen to Noyes? He paid a slap on the wrist, which based on the fact that his oceanfront home is assessed at 4.2 million dollars, won't really hurt him. I imagine that the property must be his pride and joy.
(Editor's note: This post has been sitting, unfinished, unpublished for a while, but Noyes is back in the news, reminding me to finish it, because apparently he never paid the fine. Again, he thinks he's above the law.) is registered to Noyes at that address as well. If you look at the domain name ownership, Noyes address, email and phone are all listed. Why don't you call him up and let him know how you feel about his disgusting acts against us all? I must stress that I'm not suggesting that you harass him, or send him anything illegal. Do NOT poop in a box and mail it to him, that's probably against the law, and I can't, in good conscience, suggest that you do such a thing. His e-mail address is listed as well. Let him know what you think. Sign him up to receive porn email from here to eternity, but only if you determine that it's legal. I make no warranty, because I don't know.
phone number is present. You may want to call him up and let him know what you think. Make sure you don't harass him though. That might be illegal. His e-mail address is listed as well. Let him know what you think. Sign him up to receive porn email from hear to eternity, but only if you determine that it's legal. I make no warranty, because I don't know.
Way to go City Council! Klassy!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Reese Bernard, keeping it klassy over and over.
Read about this mental midget's previous klassy run-ins with the law here.
When do you throw away the key on garbage like this one-boy crime wave?