Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Joanna Snyder and more

Joanna Snyder doesn't want the Snews to say bad things about her. She complained to Salem Superior Court judge Howard Whitehead that Salem News reporter Julie Manganis constantly repeats her criminal history in stories about her, to the upset of her teen mom daughter. Said criminal history is apparently pages long.

I have an idea, Joanna. Stop doing scumbag, deadbeat, criminal things that will embarrass your daughter! To her daughter, don't be embarrassed at the coverage, be embarrassed by your mother's actions. In fact, for your betterment, and the betterment of your daughter, cut the bitch out of your life. I'm sure that's a scary thing to do at 19, but it may be the only way for you to have a better life.


Saw this t-shirt on Facebook the other day. Apparently it's available at the Back Room on the Essex Street pedestrian (for now) mall. Totally klassy.


Received the following via email, from a new candidate for Ward 2 city councilor. Apparently Big Metal Box, which we've discussed as possibly a better candidate for those concerned with Bridge Street issues, has decided to run as a write-in. Writing in Big Metal Box certainly sounds like much more fun than blanking your ward 2 ballots.

Special thanks to the ward 2 resident who sent this to me.

Happy first birthday to Salem Patch! It's been refreshing to have a second daily news source in town. Especially one that isn't really in Beverly.

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Don't forget, keep it klassy!