Monday, July 18, 2011

Klassiness at Salem Depot

A reader forwarded this picture to me, taken this morning at the Salem commuter rail station.

I wonder if this is part of the city's graffiti "artist" rehabilitation program.


  1. I think the artist has some rudimentary talent but needs to work on his sense of scale and proportion.

  2. Scale and proportion are off! I lost a lot of weight for that movie and it barely shows.

  3. At least, that has to be funnier than the movie.

  4. Don't count on it. That James dude is a funny guy.

  5. The second one's pretty good, actually.

  6. Oh please, get off your high horse. It's comical that you posted the second image in the same context as the first. That man's work is known internationally and you cluck away like an old hen on your local blog. Aside from this I do enjoy reading your posts.


Don't forget, keep it klassy!