Friday, March 18, 2011

10 Federal Street not an option?

Yes, beating a dead horse.

Councilor Pinto stated that he was against renewing the 120 Washington Street lease because 10 Federal Street was a much better location. Interestingly, he may have know that 10 Federal wasn't an option, as he said it.

In a letter to the editor, 10 Federal Street owner Spiros Flomp states that if a new RFP were issued, 10 Federal Street wouldn't submit as they no longer have the space available to meet the city's needs.

He stated: "At no time was a re-bid or renegotiation of terms ever discussed. Councilors that we met with who ended up voting for the mayor's plan, and those voting against, were well aware that should a new bid be solicited we could no longer meet the space requirements of the city."

This addresses an allegation previously discussed here, that councilors were bypassing the RFP process, which would be illegal. Glad to hear it. What is really interesting, is that if Flomp is telling the truth, and I have no reason to doubt him, then Steven Pinto was continuing to say, no, we should move to 10 Federal, while knowing that it was no longer an option. Why would he do such a thing? What if the council had said, OK, Steve, let's go?


  1. How is the Jason Silva Investigation going, G?
    Maybe he and his staff can take on this caper, too!


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