Thursday, March 17, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: Mayor's Office Investigating Whether Charter Was Violated

I can confirm exclusively that the Mayor's Office is looking into whether or not Steven Pinto's actions at last Thursday's City Council meeting violated the City Charter.

I emailed a link to this post to the mayor and her top aide, Jason Silva, yesterday, informing them of my belief that the City Charter guaranteed the mayor the right to speak at City Council meetings. I just received a response from Mr. Silva thanking me, and letting me know that they are, in fact, looking into it. You heard it here first.

Still, the Salem News is silent.


  1. Wow, Jason Silva is looking into this?
    Why then haven't I read about this on the front page of The Boston Globe yet??!!

    Keep up the good work, G. You are a real trooper!

  2. Salem councilors need to get off their high horses and start working for the people and not in their own interests.Sometimes they create more problems than they solve.


Don't forget, keep it klassy!